


Change of Service for HSL 5/1/24

Today, HPDH, the Hierarchical Diarch, announced that the Hegemonic State of Lyrophia will be switching from the Minehut service to the Shockbyte service. 

During this period, he announced a 3-week transitionary period.

Argelapis will stand as the capital of the DEoL.

HSL is down 11/11/23

Because of some internal server conflict and issues, the server in which the Hegemonic State of Lyrophia is hosted on has been halted and is currently ongoing maintenance.

Update: This has been fixed.

 Change of Structure in the DEoL 05/11/23

TM's Government of the Diarchic Exarchate of Lyrophia issued a new and major change to the structure of the Diarchic Exarchate of Lyrophia. For more info, please go to the government portal.